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Halten Sie es für etwa 2-5 Minuten, und dann gründlich ausspülen.Kneipp Kneipp shower gift pack - shower happiness, 3 x 75 ml Give 1 x pack of 3 (3 showers of 75 ml in an attractive gift box).Lederpflege Kunstleder Pflege Sets intensiv 4tlg. für Autoleder Sofa Couch Stuhl Die Leder und Kunstleder Reiniger READYMIX und FOAM CLEANER von GOLDEN BULL reinigen und pflegen Dein Leder, spenden FeuNIVEA MEN NIVEA MEN Sensitive Care Gift Set, Care Set with Care Products for Sensitive Skin, Gift Box with Care Shower, Face Care Men Sensitive - The Nivea gift set contains three nourishing products that soothe sensitive skin, protect it and give aaccentra Accentra - Shower Set Women Gift Set Olive in Beautiful Gift Box - 2-Piece Care Set with Shower Gel and Body Lotion - We Pamper set: The spicy olive scented care products pamper the skin with plenty of moisture, making it soft and supple. 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